Jumat, 30 April 2010

history of wayang kulit

Wayang is a generic term denoting traditional theatre in Indonesia. There is no evidence that wayang existed before Hinduism came to Southeast Asia sometime in the first century CE brought in by Indian traders. However, there very well may have been indigenous storytelling traditions that had a profound impact on the development of the traditional puppet theatre. The first record of a wayang performance is from an inscription dated 930 CE which says "si Galigi mawayang," or "Sir Galigi played wayang". From that time till today it seems certain features of traditional puppet theatre have remained. Galigi was an itinerant performer who was requested to perform for a special royal occasion. At that event he performed a story about the hero Bhima from the Mahabharata

Wayang Kulit is a unique form of theatre employing light and shadow. The puppets are crafted from buffalo hide and mounted on bamboo sticks. When held up behind a piece of white cloth, with an electric bulb or an oil lamp as the light source, shadows are cast on the screen.

Wayang Kulit plays are invariably based on romantic tales, especially adaptations of the classic Indian epics, "The Mahabarata" and "The Ramayana". Some of the plays are also based on local happenings (current issues) or other local secular stories. It is up to the conductor or "Tok Dalang" to decide his direction.

A Dalang performing Wayang Kulit in Java, circa 1890.

The Dalang is the genius behind the entire performance. It is he who sits behind the screen and narrates the story. With a traditional orchestra in the background to provide a resonant melody and its conventional rhythm, the Dalang modulates his voice to create suspense thus heightening the drama. Invariably, the play climaxes with the triumph of good over evil.

Hinduism arrived in Indonesia from India even before the Christian era, and was slowly adopted as the local belief system. Sanskrit became the literary and court language of Java and later of Bali. The Hindus changed the Wayang (as did the Muslims, later) to spread their religion, mostly by stories from the Mahabharata or the Ramayana. Later this mixture of religion and wayang play was praised as harmony between Hinduism and traditional Indonesian culture. On Java, the western part of Sumatra and some smaller islands traditionalists continued to play the old stories for some time, but the influence of Hinduism prevailed and the traditional stories either fell into oblivion or were integrated into the Hinduistic plays.

The figures of the wayang are also present in the paintings of that time, for example, the roof murals of the courtroom in Klungkung, Bali. They are still present in traditional Balinese painting today.

When Islam began spreading in Indonesia, the display of God or gods in human form was prohibited, and thus this style of painting and shadow play was suppressed. King Raden Patah of Demak, Java, wanted to see the wayang in its traditional form, but failed to obtain permission from the Muslim religious leaders. As an alternative, the religious leaders converted the wayang golek into wayang purwa made from leather, and displayed only the shadow instead of the figures itself.[citation needed] Instead of the forbidden figures only their shadow picture was displayed, the birth of the wayang kulit.[citation needed]

The figures are painted, flat woodcarvings (a maximum of 5 to 15 mm thick -- barely half an inch) with movable arms. The head is solidly attached to the body. Wayang klitik can be used to perform puppet plays either during the day or at night. This type of wayang is relatively rare.

Wayang today is both the most ancient and most popular form of puppet theatre in the world. Hundreds of people will stay up all night long to watch the superstar performers, dalang, who command extravagant fees and are international celebrities. Some of the most famous dalang in recent history are Ki Nartosabdho, Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Asep Sunarya, Ki Sugino, and Ki Manteb Sudarsono

Rabu, 28 April 2010

borobudur tempel

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues.[1] A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.

The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.

Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourteenth century decline of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam.[2] Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the then British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[3] Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction.


The rank slump of the Komodo Island, which has brought the island to the 17th position, was caused by domestic security factors, Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik says. “In order to keep the island in safe positions, domestic security must be maintained, that’s the key factor,” the Minister said during the closing of Sasando Festival in Kupang. However, he did not provide any details on the referred security factor. Komodo (varanus comodoensis), a group of rare animals living in the island located in the Far East of Flores, are among the candidates of Seven Wonders of the World. Out of 28 finalists, the animals’ rank has kept decreasing to number 17. Therefore, Wacik encourages the people of Indonesia to keep giving their support for the island. “We’ll keep supporting and asking the people to support Komodo to be included in the Seven Wonders of the World,” he said. He also said the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Tourism always reminded people to give their support for the island by casting their votes on www.new7wonder.com. Meanwhile, the Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Frans Lebu Raya is holding a voting campaign for Komodo in West Manggarai regency. “We are able to confirm that 3000 people will be attending,” one of the campaign initiators and tourism observers Rofino Kant said. The campaign serves to raise the locals’ awareness in maintaining the National Komodo Park (TNK) and bringing the island’s position to more secure positions.

Selasa, 27 April 2010


  • Born: 1962
  • Birthplace: Liverpool, England
  • Died: 1970
  • Best Known As: The Fab Four

One of the biggest musical acts in history, The Beatles were John Lennon (guitar), George Harrison (guitar), Paul McCartney (bass) and Ringo Starr (drums). Lennon and McCartney began playing together in The Quarrymen in 1957; Harrison joined later that year. Before they became The Beatles, they were also Johnny and the Moondogs and The Silver Beatles, joined at times by bandmates including bassist Stuart Sutcliffe (23 June 1940 - 10 April 1962) and drummer Pete Best (b. 24 November 1941); Best was replaced by Ringo to form the final foursome. The early Beatles performed shows in Hamburg, Germany and Liverpool, England, playing covers of early American rock and roll plus original songs by Lennon and McCartney. Their 1962 release of "Love Me Do" charted in the U. K., and in 1963 their song "She Loves You" was the biggest hit in U. K. history. Their personal charm and charisma helped boost "Beatlemania," and their tour of the U.S. in 1964 led to sold-out concerts and mob scenes. Their movies A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help! (1965) capitalized on their humor and youthful exuberance and were box office successes, and the hit songs kept coming: in 1964 they had five straight number one albums. In the late '60s their songs became more sophisticated and their worldwide celebrity status prompted Lennon to joke "we're bigger than Jesus." By 1970 they were no longer performing in public and were beginning to pursue individual projects. In December of 1970 McCartney brought a lawsuit to dissolve The Beatles as a legal entity, and the group broke up. Their hits are too numerous to mention, and their impact on pop music can't be overstated. In 1980 Lennon was murdered, and in 2001 Harrison died of cancer, but McCartney and Starr continue to have busy solo careers.


Sukarno (1901-1970) was the first president of Indonesia, a nationalist leader, and a demagogue. He was the founder of the Republic of Indonesia and a dominant figure throughout its history until his death.

Sukarno was born on June 6, 1901, in Surabaya, East Java, of a Javanese father and Balinese mother. At an early age the family moved to Modjokerto, where his father taught school. Sukarno's adequate knowledge of Dutch made it possible for him to enter the European elementary school. In 1916 he enrolled at a high school in Surabaya. During this period he lived with H. O. S. Tjokroaminoto a prominent Islamic leader and head of Sarekat Islam. The 5 years (1916-1921) Sukarno spent in Surabaya were most important in his future intellectual and political development, for here he came in contact with prominent Indonesian nationalists and with Dutch socialists.

In 1920 the left wing of the Sarekat Islam split away and formed the Indonesian Communist party (PKI). The following year Sukarno entered the Institute of Technology in Bandung, from which he graduated in 1926 as an engineer. He embarked on a political career, publishing a series of articles in which he endeavored to reconcile the two contending factions by trying to show that Islam and communism (socialism) were not incompatible.

The rallying force for Indonesian independence was to be nationalism, aggressively pursued. The enemies common to all groups in Indonesia were, in his judgment, imperialism and capitalism, both exemplified in the Dutch. Sukarno's belief that a misunderstanding had brought about the conflict between Islam and communism was first presented in 1926 and continued into the sixties.


mungkin bagi kita orang jawa timur khususnya surabaya,,sudah tak asing lagi dengan kata-kata JANCOK...! iia itu pastinya,,apalagi kata-kata JANCOK ini sudah di anggap kata-kata yg kotor bagi sebagian orang.bagi orang yg berasal dari luar surabaya pasti mengganggap kalau kata-kata ini jorok.

tapi ini lah surabaya,,surabaya sudah di kenal dengan kata-katanya yg di anggap jorok,di tambah satu lagi,,surabaya terkenal dengan BONEKNYA yg SUUPPEEERR NEKAT..tapi ini lah ciri khas surabaya dan ini lah yg semakin menambah uniknya kota surabaya..kalo dipikir-pikir sebetulnya JANCOK itu nggak ada makna apa-apa..! nggak percaya nie aku kasih bukti...?

1). surabaya ini kalo dibandingin sama jakarta.JAKARTA kata-kata kotornya "ANJING"..! lahh..kata-kata anjing ini kan mengandung makna yaitu binatang anjing..!
sedangkan SURABAYA kata-kata kotornya ''JANCOK''..! sekarang kalo jancok itu kata-kata kotor sekarang jancok kan gk bermakna apa-apa...?kalo memang bermakna sekarang maknanya apa..bahkan hasil survei mengatakan JANCOK itu gk ada artinya.

2).kalo kamu orang surabaya asli atau punya kenalan orang surabaya asli,,kamu tanyak JANCOK itu artinya apa..? pasti dia bilang gk tw...!kenapa kq dia jawab gk tw karena jancok itu nggk ada artinya

3).sekarang surabaya sudah punya kaos sendiri,,sebelumnya ini aku kasih contoh produk-produk kaos yg terkenal di INDONESIA


sekarang kita pasti tau kalo kata-kata dari merek baju tersebut pasti ada makna tersendiri,tergantung dari daerahnya masing-masing yg pasti punya arti tentang daerah asal baju tersebut..sekarang kan surabaya sudah punya baju mereknya CAK-COK.arti dari CAK-COK ini adalah CAK=yaitu untuk memangil orang yg lebih tua dari kita,,sedangkan COK=masih belum jelas apa artinya tapi ada yg bilang sich.. ini kata-kata kotor..!

baiklah itu tadi sekilas tentang surabaya dan kata-kata jancoknya yg kotroversial hingga saat ini masih kontroversial dikalangan orang surabaya....sorry kalo aku membahasnya soal ini karna aku hanya ingin mengangkat ke unikkan kota ku yaitu SUROBOYO...
makasih teman-teman sudah mau baca..:D

akhir kata......JANCOOOKK......!

Senin, 26 April 2010

about me..

nie kisahku gimana bisa tertarik ma IPTEK..

awalnya sich aku GAPTEK,,setelah aku ketemu ma temenku yg suuppeerrr...! pendiem di kelas namanya cich simple CAHYO....tapi setelah aku mulai agak akrab ternyata CAHYO ini anaknya jago IPTEK.kalo di ibaratkan kayak pribahasa "DIAM-DIAM MENGHANYUTKAN" tapi nggak negativ lho...!!!

lama kelamaan aku sama cahyo ini mulai akrab,,ywda sampe' sekarang aku ma dia jadi temen yg solit..setelah kenal CAHYO dia ternyata punya blog,,iaa aku tertarik pastinya...!

iseng" aku minta ajarin gimana caranya buat blog,,,! pelan-pelan aku di ajarin buat blog tapi eo msih sering tanyak kalo ada yg gk bisa...setelah lama kelamaan ahkirnya aku ngerasa kalo bisa IPTEK tu asyik juga,di samping itu bisa dapet pelajaran baru yg selama nie aku gk ngerti tapi gk pelajaran negativ,,,

eeeaahhhh........itu lah sedikit cerita menarik bagaimana aku bisa tertarik sama yg namanya dunia maya itu pula berkat m@s CAHYO lover's..hehehehehehehe...!?!?

nie biodata ku...

nama : dion satrya putra ramaddhan
asal : surabaya pastinya...
makanan favorit : pecel lele,,,hahahaa
minuman favorit : root beer float,,GUAYA CAK
agama : islam
pacar : bebibh "ailodi" tersayang,,hhehehehe
cita-cita : pengen punya usaha sendiri (PENGUSAHA)
bokap : dwi
nyokap : oni
adek : winnie

itulah sedikit tentang aku,,yg pasti untuk saat ini cita-cita ku yg ingin aku kejar dalam waktu dekat ialah ingin masuk SMK NEGRI 10 surabaya,,kalo bisa cich cari yg lebih bagus SMKnya,,rencananya aku akan ambil jurusan MULTIMEDIA kan sekarang udah agak kurang GAPTEKnya...hahahahahah

thank's to teman-teman udah mau baca...:D


sobat masih ingat tentang cheat pb meskipun begitu sebaiknya sobat pake jujur aja biar gak di block sama gm,
percuma donk kalo udah pangkatnya gede tapi tiba2 di block rugi brp kita...???

nih aq kasih tips naikiin kd dan hs

1.mainlah minimal 10 menit setiap 1 jamnya di A.I mode
2.sebaiknya bermain di bom misi saja kalo di dm gak isa
3.senjta harus mantab
4.beli nasi goreng 1 bungkus heheh...

kalo sobat ngejalanin di jamin pasti berhasil soalnya aq dah pernah nyoba dari 35 jd 50 kdnya heheheh kan lumayan dari pada ngecheat

kemungkinan saat maen di bom misi
1.dapet exp gede
2.kadang kita isa jd juara
3.isa-isa kdnya naik
4.good luck

Sabtu, 24 April 2010


masih teringat di angan kita tentang sosok seorang mbah surip,
ia adalah sosok orang yg supel /tidak terlalu mementing kan penampilan dirinya,ia adalah orang yg menumpahkan semua isi hatinya dengan membuat lagu-lagu yg simpel dan sesuai dengan keadaan negri ini yg sedang MORAT-MARIT.

ia mulai dikenal dengan lagunya yg meledak yaitu TAK GENDONG,banyak orang yg suka lagu ini karena lagu ini mudah di inget,,apalagi dengan suara tawa yg khas & kata-kata I LOVE U FUULL.semakin menambah orang-orang mudah mengingatnya..setiap ia manggung tidak lupa secangkir kopi menemaninya...

mbah surip mempunyai cita_cita jika ia sudah kaya & punya uang banyak...ia ingin membeli PESAWAT HELICOPTER...tapi sayang tuhan berkehendak lain.

mbah surip telah TIADA.serangan jantung yg membuat mbah surip meregang nyawa,,dokter memvonis bahwa mbah surip terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi kopi...

bahkan presiden kita BAPAK SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO ikut memberikan rasa bela sungkawa atas meninggalnya mbah surip..

MBAH SURIP..INDONESIA tanpa kau seperti -1,kami hisap hink up tur untuk kau mbah surip,kau adalah miliknya dan hanya kepadanya lah kau kembali sampai bertemu mbah surip di alam sana nanti R.I.P (rhyme in peace)

thank's ea teman-teman uda mau baca :D

Jumat, 23 April 2010

jika dapat terbang...?

mengkhayal boleh donk.... jika manusia di beri kelebihan bisa terbang pasti asyik,,apalagi klo mw kemana-mana tinggal terbang.di samping itu juga kita bisa mengurangi polusi udara,,ia tapi sayang manusia gk bisa terbang walaupun gk bisa terbang tapi kita harus berterima kasih sama para ilmuwan karena para ilmuwan sudah menciptakan pesawat terbang sedikit-sedikit kita bisa ngrasain gmn rasanya terbang,,, tapi jng kuatir yg belum pernah naik pesawat terbang datang ae di tempat rekreasi atau di tempat permainan yg ada mainan pesawat-pesawatan hahahahahahahahaha,rasanya pasti BETI (beda tipis).hahahahahahaahahahaha makasih sudah mau baca..:D